
Government structure and the power it holds profoundly affects citizens. Those in office (elected or appointed) are highly motivated to expand their influence. And when influence is achieved, whether it be in dollars or rights, it is at citizen expense. Thus, citizen understanding and responding to these actions is critical to safeguard society’s interests.

  • Covers: Overview of different government structures, differences between a democracy and a republic, historical perspectives and changes taking place in America, Electoral College.

  • Covers: US Constitution, separations of power, how structures of gov’t intentionally impede political lobbying and collusion.

  • Covers: Expectations of government regulations, incentives for governmental agencies, how free market environment has built-in regulation powers, example alternative is offered for discussion.

  • Covers: Roles of the branches of government, shifting of powers, implications for citizens.

  • Covers: Discussions on qualified immunity, prosecutorial incentives, and societal trade-offs. Two reform proposals are tabled for discussion (one for law enforcement and one for prosecutors).

  • Covers: Campaign claims, alignment of constituent and representative incentives, bureaucratic factors, and special interests.

  • Covers: What happens when a single party has control of house, senate, and executive office? This can be either at the Federal or State level. Discussion includes attributes of single-party control and advantages/disadvantages for citizens.