Policy and Law
New laws, policies, and regulations frequently change societal incentives, resulting in outcomes that contradict the law’s original intent. Yet, despite this happening time and again, these mistakes are repeated because the narratives around them are politically appealing to voters.
Covers: Trade, tariffs, addresses several of the most popular claims that tariffs accomplish, and who benefits from tariffs.
Covers: The allure of business taxes, the ways business taxes are paid, and their effect on the economy.
Covers: Presents a case study of taxing billionaire wealth, includes two real world examples of taxation, and touches on incentives for government to expand taxes.
Covers: Goals of minimum wage laws, decisions employers are forced to make, long-term effects, and presents argument for what the minimum wage should be.
Covers: Definition of rent control, intended goals, effects on rental availability and investment, decisions landlords are forced to make, and impact to renters.
Covers: In depth look at unintended consequences (how incentives are created/changed leading to outcomes that go against original desires).
Covers: Deep dive into positive and negative rights, cost of “free” items available in society and the trade-offs to recognize.
Covers: Society’s setting of milestones related to maturity, citing of science research on mental development, and presents for discussion a novel way to address defining when someone enters “adulthood”.
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